le: Secret Crush I have a secret crush on someone. Someone who fills my heart with butterflies and makes me feel alive. Someone who I admire from afar, hoping that one day they may notice me. It's not easy to have a secret crush. The constant longing and daydreaming can be both exhilarating and torturous. It's like a rollercoaster ride, full of ups and downs, twists and turns. I often find myself lost in thought, imagining what it would be like to hold hands, share stories, and laugh uncontrollably with this person. But at the same time, I also fear the possibility of rejection or the disappointment of unrequited love. Perhaps that's the beauty of having a secret crush. It's a reminder that we are capable of feeling something deep and genuine, even in our most vulnerable moments. It's a reminder that we are human and that love, in all its forms, is what makes life worth living. So for now, I'll keep my secret crush to myself, hidden away in the depths of my heart. But I'll also keep the hope and faith that one day, perhaps our paths will cross and we will both recognize the spark that ignites between us. Until then, I'll continue to feel the butterflies, embrace the uncertainty, and cherish the beauty of this secret crush.